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Santa Group
Academy of Christmas Artists Logo

Do we teach you to be a clown? NO!
Do we teach you to become a magician? NO!

However, utilizing techniques from these various mediums will give you the confidence to be a performance-based Christmas Artist.

Have you ever wanted to attend a Christmas Artist training program that wasn’t teaching the same old things as every other training? Have you ever wanted to learn from various performance arts to elevate your portrayal of our favorite holiday characters? Then please consider joining us at the ACA for the Academy of Christmas Artists.


The Academy of Christmas Artists was founded with the goal of raising the bar of performance artists in the Christmas market. We found that by using teaching techniques from clowning, magic, movement, mime, business, theatre, and dance we could help Christmas Performing Artists become the ultimate holiday entertainer.

What is a day like for someone attending the Academy of Christmas Artists?

 You begin your day with breakfast surrounded by other attendees from the ACA. We then do morning warmups as a group to get the body and mind working together in unison. The Academy of Clown Arts and the Academy of Christmas Artists then break out into what we call track sessions. The track sessions are our way of ensuring that you get roughly two hours of dedicated learning in your desired subject. Then we break for lunch and then it is right back to work.


After lunch, we give you the opportunity to choose to take a lecture on one of the various art forms we teach at the Academy of Clown Arts. It could be anything from Magic to Movement. Then we have an opportunity for you, the Christmas Artist, to work one one-on-one with our Academy of Christmas Artists instructors independently on storytelling, home visit ideas, or anything your heart desires.


We then round out the day with a wholesome dinner and bring you back in with the attendees of the Academy of Clown Arts for stellar performances from instructors, and other fun surprises.

The Academy of Christmas Artists is unlike any other “Santa School” you will ever attend. We have had Santa and Mrs. Claus performers come through our training telling us it has changed their lives beyond what they imagined. We can’t guarantee that for everyone, but we can guarantee that you will leave with a head full of knowledge, lifelong friendships, and a whole lot of performance confidence.

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Santa School ACA
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